City Arena Indoor schedule starts March 2
6:00-7:00PM U8, U10, U14 girls
7:00-8:00PM U12 girls and U11 boys
8:00 -9:00PM U13 and U15 boys
No indoor scheduled for U9 at this time.
Registration now open for the 2025 Spring Season U8-U14 girls and U9-U15 boys!!
--Girls U10 and U12 will be very full and we would like to have early registration so we can let the league know as early as possible whether we will need 1 team or 2 for those age groups. It is very unlikely we will be given a second team if needed after the league registration deadline in February. To avoid large numbers on teams we need EARLY registrations at these ages.
--If you have interest in coaching/asst coaching/team parenting to any degree please reach out to klaxinfo@gmail.com. We are limited on teams if we don't have parent volunteers to help out at practices and on the sidelines for games. Please don't be shy--town rec sports only exist because of parent volunteers and KLAX loves their parent volunteers!!
--The initial deposit has been dropped to $50 this year (along with a $25 overall discount until Jan 15th) to encourage early registration so get on it!!! We likely will have a waitlist for a few teams this year so if you are a seasoned player PLEASE REGISTER EARLY!!!!
--New this year! The boys no longer have to register for USLAX. This will affect any club players since you will have to register with USLAX for your designated club team to cover your insurance for the year.
--Remember, everyone can play lacrosse but its more fun with friends so bring them out!!!
Looking forward to another great year of KLAX!!
Welcome all members of the lacrosse community for the Silver Lake Regional School towns of Kingston, Halifax and Plympton, MA.
REGISTRATION WILL OPEN FOR THE SPRING SEASON in DECEMBER!! Follow us on social media for updates on registration and summer/fall KLAX events.
Kindergarten LEARN TO PLAY WILL OPEN IN EARLY FEBRUARY through the Kingston Recreational Dept website. Link will be provided in Programs tab above when available.
Registration includes 4 Sunday night indoor skills sessions at City Arena in Pembroke for U10-U14 girls and U9-U15 boys. The sessions will be March 2,9,16,23 for 2025.
Both boys and girls seasons will start on March 30th, 2025. Games are primarily played on Sundays through June.
Practices are TBD once registration closes and we confirm coaches.
If you want control of practice time, we are accepting coaching applications at klaxinfo@gmail.com.
Uniform information
Uniforms are ordered separately if you're athlete is in need of a uniform. A link is provided on the registration page and in the links section. If you wish to donate last years uniform please contact us through social media. Uniforms will cost $60 on Stoller Sports website and should be ordered as soon as you register to ensure delivery before the season.
***U14 girls skirts will be requirement for this age group in lieu of shorts (even if they have shorts from previous years)***
Uniforms can be purchased through the Stoller link to the right------>>